Hello! Welcome to this silly, unfinished website. There's not that much to add here, because i dont know much about coding and website making yet. So, the rest is sort of a test thing i did with various beginner HTML & CSS tutorials.
I'm Alice. Basically just some teenager learning to code.
I'm planning for this to be a personal website where i can store my art, writings, and other projects without feeling the pressure of it getting 'likes' or 'revenue' or any other social media thing. Kind of like 'my own corner of the web' if you can call it that? Over the time i've spent lurking on Neocities and visiting everyone's sites, i've really thought about it, and realized that having my own site where i'm free to make things look however i want and put whatever i want would be so much better for me than having to define the worth of my works based on the amount of likes i get and conform to an algorithm. Plus i just want to limit my social media exposure (seriously, doomscrolling has been ruining me!) without completely removing myself from the internet. You can still find me on sites like Youtube or Instagram, though, but I think i'm mostly gonna use them to communicate with others.
You can find me on instagram with the same username (ellipsez00) as on here. :D Oh yeah and theres supposed to be a checkered black and red background here, but if you see a basic light beige color instead, sooorryyyyyy... I dont know why but when i edit the CSS file it tends to be reaaally slow with updating the actual website. But oh well.
Thanks for checking this out! You're like a beta tester. Lol.